Another nice tide-assisted swim. At the start I had a splash (not as cold as my imagination made it seem) before the buzzer to get warmed up and have a wee (yes, a wee). I found my spot, towards the edge so not to get too caught up in the argy-bargy. Which worked... for about 40 meters! Then it was on, with dudes from either side coming in over the top. I held my space, pushed hard and was through in a few minutes, and once I found some space got into a nice rhythm... long strokes, fingers touching my legs each time (almost sounds erotic). Out of the water on 10:03 (not too shabby) and took advantage of my run up to transition.

Shoes on, and off we go onto the run course. Feeling happy, could only see one or two bikes racked when I came back in so was guessing only one or two people in front of me. Got into a rhythm after a few minutes (as hard as it feels in the quads to start with, I remind myself that the 'full-blooded' feeling ALWAYS goes away - which it does). Again, had the benefit of seeing the guys I know are racing well at each turn around point so could measure my pace against them - slowly pushed the gap bigger and bigger and BANG! 17:30 for the 5k. 3rd overall!
Another good hit-out - my racing this season has been fantastic. Maybe all this training stuff is paying off?

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